Pet Tick Prevention
Learn more about our pet tick prevention services below.
Pet Tick Prevention
Life with a dog in Newmarket involves spending time outdoors and letting your pet explore the sights and smells of their world. Dogs love to explore tall grasses and wooded patches in search of scents, but it also puts them at risk of infection from ticks and heartworms. Keep your dog healthy by making an annual visit to the veterinarian for a 4DX test and getting them preventative treatment for ticks and heartworm.
How Dogs Get Infected by Ticks and Heartworm
Mosquitoes, the primary carrier of heartworm larvae and ticks, are found in cool, shady settings such as tall grasses, shrubs, and patches of trees. The biting insects land and bite your dog as they pass through these landscapes. Their bite transmits their diseases and heartworm larvae into your dog’s bloodstream, setting up the first stage of an infection. Your pet can carry a life-altering and threatening disease in the span of a few seconds, and you will not be aware of it. That is why getting preventative treatment for your pet is so important.
How an Annual Test and Treatment With the Veterinarian Keeps Your Dog Healthy
You may already be familiar with parasite control and tick prevention through previous visits to the vet and the monthly chewables that prevent these issues. But if it is not something you have been doing regularly, now is the time to start your dog on a regular program for parasite prevention.
Bringing your dog in annually and getting them tested for signs of infection helps you keep ahead of infestations and infections. A test known as the 4DX snap test is administered by the veterinarian and delivers results in less than 10 minutes. The 4DX test screens for heartworm, Lyme disease, and four other pathogens.
The test results determine the next step of treatment for your pet. If everything is negative, that means your previous efforts have worked. However, ongoing treatment is necessary to protect your dog from ticks, heartworms, and fleas. Chewable products for dogs that handle all the significant issues from parasites and ticks in one pill are available and eliminate the need to administer multiple medications to treat all the potential problems. Your dog stays healthy and disease-free by consuming one pill every month.
Call Us Today for More Information About Parasite Control and Tick Prevention
Contact us at our Newmarket office to learn more about how our veterinarian can help your dog stay healthy and fit. We are familiar with the latest tests and treatments and can provide you and your dog with the necessary information and medication.